LSC-Konferenz in Shenzhen·China 18.-20. Oktober 2021
Poster P01-LSC2020 S.Möbius (20 Years DGFS Society)
LSC2024 15th to 17th April 2024 at the Portsmouth Historic Dockyard
Hier finden Sie einen Rückblick auf DGFS-Aktivitäten.
Here you can find a review of DGFS activities.
Scientific Committee and Section Chairperson Dr. Möbius
Poster Session 2 (Dr. Jürgen Wendel, Dr. Siegurd Möbius)
IAEA Expert Mission on LSC to AEB Colombo/Sri Lanka (Siegurd and Tiana Möbius)
LSC 2013 Advances in Liquid Scintillation Spectrometry, UB Barcelona/ Spain
IAEA Training Course on LSC at OAP (Office of Atoms for Peace), Bangkok/Thailand (Siegurd Möbius)
LS Workshop in Brisbane/Australia along with SPERA Conference
5.LSC Anwendertreffen 2009, Karlsruhe/ Germany (Organisation und Durchführung DGFS e.V.)
4.LSC Anwendertreffen 2007,Karlsruhe/Germany (Organisation und Durchführung DGFS e.V.)
Workshop Modern Trend in Liquid Scintillation Spectrometry/ IRD/CNEN Rio de Janeiro/Brazil
along with NAMLS 8 Conferece (Organized by DGFS e.V., Siegurd and Tiana Möbius)
European LSC Training, Karlsruhe/Germany (Siegurd Möbius)
LSC 2001 Advances in Liquid Scintillation Spectrometry,Karlsruhe/Germany, 7-11Mai 2001
Organisation DGFS e.V., Conference Chair Dr. Siegurd Möbius
Gründung/ Foundation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Flüssigszintillationsspektrometrie DGFS e.V.
© 2023 - DGFS e.V.
LSC 2010 Advances in Liquid Scintillation Spectrometry, Paris/ France
LSC 2005 Advances in Liquid Scintillation Spectrometry, Katowice/Poland